MSD Consulting

Professional debt counselling services in South Africa

A young woman woman offering debt counselling services to another young woman sitting beside her.

Debt management and counselling services are critical in assisting people to overcome financial challenges and establish a secure financial future. In South Africa, where debt levels are high and living costs continue to rise, seeking professional help can make a significant difference in debt management.  This is where MSD Consulting can help. We are a […]

How does debt counselling work?

A young woman doing debt counselling work by speaking to a young man while sitting next to him.

South Africa is currently experiencing a severe debt crisis, with many individuals and households unable to meet their financial obligations. According to CEIC, South African household debt reached R2.83 trillion in June 2023. This is 40.9% of the national gross domestic product (GDP). Debt counselling is a recommended solution to help people regain control of […]