MSD Consulting

Will a debt management plan affect my mortgage?

A model house sitting on a table next to a set of house keys and a mortgage document.

Debt is a serious topic as it impacts many aspects of life. People often ask if a debt management plan will affect a housing mortgage and the simple answer is yes. It can affect your chances of getting a mortgage in South Africa. Debt management strategies are necessary to deal with heavy debt. However, it […]

How to find the right debt counselling company

A woman sitting next to a man offering advice in her debt counselling company.

Debt management is a critical issue for many South Africans and recent data shows that it has a wide-ranging influence on people and families alike. South Africa’s overall consumer debt stands at a startling R1.73 trillion as of 2023, highlighting the critical importance of finding effective solutions to this problem.  Seeking the services of a […]

Professional debt counselling services in South Africa

A young woman woman offering debt counselling services to another young woman sitting beside her.

Debt management and counselling services are critical in assisting people to overcome financial challenges and establish a secure financial future. In South Africa, where debt levels are high and living costs continue to rise, seeking professional help can make a significant difference in debt management.  This is where MSD Consulting can help. We are a […]