MSD Consulting

Create a debt management plan with these simple steps

Individuals and families who are drowning in debt should develop a debt management strategy. Debt can quickly spiral out of control, causing financial stress and negatively impacting your overall well-being. 

The first step in developing a debt management strategy is to evaluate your current debt situation. Begin by listing all of your debt accounts and their current balances. Credit card debt, personal loans, student loans and any other types of debt should all be included.

Once you’ve made a list of your debts, figure out how much you owe and how much you’re paying each month. This will give you a clear picture of your current debt burden and will assist you in prioritising your debts. 

Prioritising your debts

Remember to examine the interest rates and terms of each debt. High-interest debts should be prioritised in your debt management strategy because they cost you more in the long run. It is critical to list your debts in order of priority, starting with the highest-interest debts. 

When prioritising debts, it is also critical to consider the terms of each debt. You should also prioritise any debts that have short repayment terms or penalties for early repayment. This often catches South Africans out and is often overlooked.

Create a budget

A budget is an essential component of any debt management strategy. It allows you to keep track of your income and expenses, ensuring that you have enough money to cover debt payments and other necessary expenses.

Begin by listing all of your sources of income and fixed expenses, such as rent or mortgage payments, utilities and insurance. Then, set aside a portion of your income for debt repayment. Set aside a reasonable amount that you can comfortably afford and stick to it.

Consider cutting back on discretionary spending to help you stick to your budget. Look for ways to cut costs in areas such as eating out, entertainment and unnecessary subscriptions. Every rand you save can be used to pay your debt faster.

Set financial goals

Setting financial goals is an essential component of a debt management strategy. Goals give you a sense of purpose and motivation, which will help you stay focused on paying off your debt.

Setting financial goals should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound). Instead of a general goal like “pay off debt,” set a specific goal like “pay off R10 000 of credit card debt in the next six months.” This gives you a specific goal to strive for that is SMART.

Young lady holding a calculator in one hand and looking at credit score papers in her other hand

Choose a debt management strategy

There are numerous debt management strategies available in your arsenal and selecting the best one for your specific situation is critical. The snowball method and the avalanche method are two of the most popular strategies.

In the snowball method, you would pay off the smallest debt first while making minimum payments on other debts. This method gives you a psychological boost as you see debts being paid off, which can keep you motivated to keep going with your debt repayment journey.

The avalanche method, on the other hand, prioritises debt with the highest interest rate first. In the long run, this method can save you more money on interest charges, but the short-term satisfaction of paying off smaller debts may not be present.

Consider your personal preferences as well as your debt situation when selecting a debt management strategy. The most important thing is to choose a strategy that you can stick to and that is in line with your objectives.

Make a debt management plan

It’s time to put everything together and create your debt management plan now that you’ve assessed your debt situation, prioritised your debts, created a budget and set financial goals. Begin by making your debt repayment plan. This should include how much you plan to pay towards each debt each month, as well as when you expect to have each debt paid off. 

A debt payoff calculator can be a helpful tool in determining the most efficient way to pay off your debts based on your budget and debt management strategy. As your financial situation changes, make sure to review and update your debt management plan on a regular basis. Celebrate small victories along the way as you work towards debt freedom.

A debt management plan is an essential tool for anyone who is drowning in debt. You can take control of your finances and work towards a debt-free future by following these steps. MSD Consulting is here to assist you if you require professional assistance and personalised debt counselling solutions. 

We are a registered South African debt counselling firm that assists over-indebted citizens with a structured repayment plan and the necessary legal processes. Our team of qualified debt counsellors and financial experts will provide personalised debt counselling services tailored to each client’s specific situation.

We can provide you with the guidance and support you need to create an effective debt management plan and achieve long-term financial stability. Contact us today if you’re ready to take the first steps towards debt management and financial stability. 


MSD Consulting is a registered debt counselling firm, committed to providing debt relief to all South Africans struggling with their monthly debt obligations. Our team of qualified debt counsellors and financial experts provide personalised debt counselling services tailored to your situation. For more information on debt resolution, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.